Click on the filter icon on the right side of the search bar. You can also just add the user’s domain name. Type in “from:” and the email address you don’t want to go to spam in the search bar at the top of the screen. Go to Gmail and log in to your account. Follow the steps below to see how it’s done: More specifically, if Gmail keeps sending emails from one user to spam, you can make sure this doesn’t happen again. However, you would have to do this for one email address at a time. The first one is by creating a custom filter. While this is good advice, there are a few easier ways to prevent emails from going to spam in Gmail. That’s why if you’re expecting an important email and can’t find it, it’s always advised you check your spam folder just in case the email ends up there. If you received an important email that went to spam 30 days ago, it will be automatically deleted. It can also occur if there are typographical errors in the email or if there are issues with the header. This can happen if your IP address has been marked as spam by Google or a recipient. Even emails you send can end up in someone else’s spam.
You won’t even receive a notification when this happens. If an email doesn’t pass the spam test, it will automatically be sent to the designated spam folder on your Gmail account. Spoofed email addresses and messages from an unconfirmed sender can also have spam warning labels. If the person sends the same email to a large number of recipients, all the emails will probably go straight to spam. In most cases, it’s something more obvious, like emails that contain promotional links or “spammy” words. Most emails go to spam due to Gmail’s pre-defined spam filters. There are many reasons why emails get flagged as spam in Gmail. How to Prevent Emails From Going to Spam in Gmail on a PC We’ll also show you how to deal with this issue on the Gmail mobile app. In this article, we’ll talk about ways to stop emails from going to spam in Gmail.